Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome Allie!

Today February 1st we welcome the newest family addition! Today Kyle's cousin Christina gave birth to
Alivia Parker 9lbs 4.5oz!!

Look at those CHEEKS!

Miss Allie and I! I'm showing off the HUGE bow the Nurse was so excited to make for her!

Proud Big Brother, Big Sister, and Big Cousin!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let's Begin. . .

With everyone starting the trend of blogging. . .

I'm jumping aboard

Throughout this blog I'm sure I'll talk about my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers, planning my wedding, or just every day wonderful thoughts that go through my head! Be scared!

Now to start making this place pretty! Tomorrow I will blog about the newest arrival! Kyle's cousin will be having wonderful baby Allie tomorrow!